I ran my one and only Ultramarines 4th Company army, here pictured. This was the 1850 list I used for the tournament. After playing it and thinking about it, there's major reworking I plan on doing. Mainly dropping the Devs, and taking a command squad for the captain (which I'm currently modeling, Hash, where's my power sword!). Also trying to squeeze in another Dreadnough or maybe a vindicator. Options, Options, Options. Other then that the core of the army is great. The three Tact squads, the Ven. Dread, and Captain always perform well.
Anyway. Yeah I run vanilla-ass Marines but I would play no other army. So mad props to Total Escape Games, in Broomfield, for running the tournament, and what's up to all the players. I look forward to crushing you Rommel style next time. Peace.
John Henry out