Hello All Y'all (all Y'all is the plural form of Y'all, icyww),
Back again with another intallment of the Buddy Times, a place were grown men get out their little buddys and play with them, and paint them, and show them to each other. It's really about sharing.
So this week I wanted to share my WIP of a test model I'm working on, I think this is what I'm going to go with, as far as the Cloth and the base tone of the flesh. I think the cloth may need another highlight but I think maybe that can be corrected more easily during the initial painting then trying to back-peddle, so I'll likely let this little buddy ride and and try to allow more of the gray base-coat to show through on the next one.

I turned the Brightness up on this one to try and show some of the colors in the cloth, I would really appreciate any input on this one guys because I like it, but I am not 1oo% on it, and its a freakin' guard army so I don't want to paint 50 little guys then decide I don't like it, Ya' know?
Here's just a back shot, its hard to make out but there is a pretty nice ggray to black gradient on his vox pack thingy
Anyway let me know what you guys think please, and I'll post any further developments as they are happing.
Smoke Blood for the Blood God