All I have to say is this:
OMFG! I think my wallet had an equally big heart-attack as my mind had a nerd-gasm...
Till next time keep it easy Buddys!
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Sunday, July 22, 2012
++ A Little Fun Dance... ++
... To make up for all the crazyness thats been going on lately. I live in Colorado so this whole Batman shooting thing is a bit vivd for me. Even though I was not in Aurora it's only like 30 mins from here, and my roommate's mom even called to make sure he didn't get shot, knowing that he was at a Batman somewhere in the state (which he was). Anyway my point is that just because some Fricking Psycho decided to shit the punch bowl (to put it lightly) and instead after realizing he was a hopeless loser and just offing himself (like a real warrior). He decided to attack a bunch of civilians who wanted to feast in the greatness that is one of the last communal events in our pop-culture-world-system, the opening night movie. So screw that guy, and I hope for only stiff punishment and relief for the victims of this tragedy...
To help lighten the mood I though t I would share this great vid of an Australian Hurdle jumper, it is frickin' sweet! Enjoy:
To help lighten the mood I though t I would share this great vid of an Australian Hurdle jumper, it is frickin' sweet! Enjoy:
Friday, July 6, 2012
++ VI-ed Forgeworld Updates ++
Hello Buddys,
So having just received my Gamers Edition from GW (about five days after launch...) and just now getting a chance to dive in I can not really speak to any of the changes from the last edition yet. I do plan on having a Gamers edition review sometime in the future but in the meantime I thought I would point these new downloads on the ForgeWorld website. Here and Here.
Forgeworls's awesomeness never ceases to amaze me. Within a week of launch (the same amount of time to get a pre-order from GW) they update and post for free all of there vehicle changes... Great Job! and enjoy Buddys.
Till next time keep it easy!
So having just received my Gamers Edition from GW (about five days after launch...) and just now getting a chance to dive in I can not really speak to any of the changes from the last edition yet. I do plan on having a Gamers edition review sometime in the future but in the meantime I thought I would point these new downloads on the ForgeWorld website. Here and Here.
Forgeworls's awesomeness never ceases to amaze me. Within a week of launch (the same amount of time to get a pre-order from GW) they update and post for free all of there vehicle changes... Great Job! and enjoy Buddys.
Till next time keep it easy!
forge world,
space marines,
Warhammer 40k
Friday, June 22, 2012
++ The Aquilla has Landed! VI-ed in Da Haüs ++
Well here it is in all of its pre-order glory!
Which things are the buddys gonna buy? I am really thinking that Gamer's Edition has got my name all over it! Now to juggle some credit card debt so I can justify it :)
Just put in the UK for country...
Then just wacth as all the various countries hit 12 midnight!
Awesomesauce and happy shopping buddys!
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
++ VI-ed train Continues: GW drops Teaser #3 ++
Ok Buddys,
Here is the latest (and greatest IMHO) teaser GW dropped for VI-ed. Some nice looking new art slipped in there amongst some old favorites... Can I say I officially stoked for this!!!
++ Boom Goes the Dynamite! VI-ed beans are spilt ++
VI-ed in all its glory...
Not too sure about the templates or tape measure but A for effort GW
Once again the 'gamer's edition' seems to have my name on it
The only pic of the phsic cards is in spanish, but you get the idea...
Well here's to the weekend!
Monday, June 18, 2012
++ GW Dropped Teaser II for VI Ed. ++
Hey Buddys,
Looky here:
not that exciting but another Video showing the incoming release of VI Ed. It's only a matter of time now...
Sunday, June 17, 2012
++ Posible Sixth Ed Cover! ++

Hey Buddys,
Just a quickie to get through the weekend. Thanks to Faeit 212 for this awesome leaked shot of what sure looks like a hardback rulebook... 6th?!?!
The only other thought I could possibly have is that it is the new cover for the hardback DA codex... But with the tagline on the bottom (pretty Blurry but appears to say "in the Grim Dark...") it sure seems like a core rule-book. It is good to see the Dark Angels finally getting some front cover love, something they haven't had since Dark Millennium 2nd ed. expansion if I recall correctly...
Hope everyone is well and Happy Father's day out there to all you breeders!
buddy times,
Warhammer 40k
Saturday, June 9, 2012
++ Is that HWY 6 up ahead??? ++
Well, I know other blogs already covered this but I have to post it...
I think this means that I am going to be a bit tighter on money this month then I thought...
Have a good day Buddys!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
++ T-Minus 12 hours... Prometheus ++
Hello Buddys,
So the Buddy Times Crew will be lining up tonight to finally figure out who the hell the Space Jockey is once and for all! I will try and get a review up in the next day or two, but needless to say I am looking forward to this one.
Here's to hoping Ridley Scott has still got it!
Until next time Cheers...
So the Buddy Times Crew will be lining up tonight to finally figure out who the hell the Space Jockey is once and for all! I will try and get a review up in the next day or two, but needless to say I am looking forward to this one.
Here's to hoping Ridley Scott has still got it!
Until next time Cheers...
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
++ Sad Day in Geekdom... ++
Sad Day Buddys...
Ray Bradbury one of the Sci-Fi greats has finally kicked the bucket. Here is the news story from the AP:
LOS ANGELES (AP) - Ray Bradbury, the science fiction-fantasy master who transformed his childhood dreams and Cold War fears into telepathic Martians, lovesick sea monsters, and, in uncanny detail, the high-tech, book-burning future of "Fahrenheit 451," has died. He was 91. He died Tuesday night, his daughter said Wednesday. Alexandra Bradbury did not have additional details. Although slowed in recent years by a stroke that meant he had to use a wheelchair, Bradbury remained active into his 90s, turning out new novels, plays, screenplays and a volume of poetry. He wrote every day in the basement office of his Cheviot Hills home and appeared from time to time at bookstores, public library fundraisers and other literary events around Los Angeles. His writings ranged from horror and mystery to humor and sympathetic stories about the Irish, blacks and Mexican-Americans. Bradbury also scripted John Huston's 1956 film version of "Moby Dick" and wrote for "The Twilight Zone" and other television programs, including "The Ray Bradbury Theater," for which he adapted dozens of his works. "What I have always been is a hybrid author," Bradbury said in 2009. "I am completely in love with movies, and I am completely in love with theater, and I am completely in love with libraries." Bradbury broke through in 1950 with "The Martian Chronicles," a series of intertwined stories that satirized capitalism, racism and superpower tensions as it portrayed Earth colonizers destroying an idyllic Martian civilization. Like Arthur C. Clarke's "Childhood's End" and the Robert Wise film "The Day the Earth Stood Still," Bradbury's book was a Cold War morality tale in which imagined lives on other planets serve as commentary on human behavior on Earth. "The Martian Chronicles" has been published in more than 30 languages, was made into a TV miniseries and inspired a computer game. "The Martian Chronicles" prophesized the banning of books, especially works of fantasy, a theme Bradbury would take on fully in the 1953 release, "Fahrenheit 451." Inspired by the Cold War, the rise of television and the author's passion for libraries, it was an apocalyptic narrative of nuclear war abroad and empty pleasure at home, with firefighters assigned to burn books instead of putting blazes out (451 degrees Fahrenheit, Bradbury had been told, was the temperature at which texts went up in flames). It was Bradbury's only true science-fiction work, according to the author, who said all his other works should have been classified as fantasy. "It was a book based on real facts and also on my hatred for people who burn books," he told The Associated Press in 2002. A futuristic classic often taught alongside George Orwell's "1984" and Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World," Bradbury's novel anticipated iPods, interactive television, electronic surveillance and live, sensational media events, including televised police pursuits. Francois Truffaut directed a 1966 movie version and the book's title was referenced - without Bradbury's permission, the author complained - for Michael Moore's documentary "Fahrenheit 9-11." Although involved in many futuristic projects, including the New York World's Fair of 1964 and the Spaceship Earth display at Walt Disney World in Florida, Bradbury was deeply attached to the past. He refused to drive a car or fly, telling the AP that witnessing a fatal traffic accident as a child left behind a permanent fear of automobiles. In his younger years, he got around by bicycle or roller-skates. "I'm not afraid of machines," he told Writer's Digest in 1976. "I don't think the robots are taking over. I think the men who play with toys have taken over. And if we don't take the toys out of their hands, we're fools." Bradbury's literary style was honed in pulp magazines and influenced by Ernest Hemingway and Thomas Wolfe, and he became the rare science fiction writer treated seriously by the literary world. In 2007, he received a special Pulitzer Prize citation "for his distinguished, prolific and deeply influential career as an unmatched author of science fiction and fantasy." Seven years earlier, he received an honorary National Book Award medal for lifetime achievement, an honor given to Philip Roth and Arthur Miller among others. "Everything I've done is a surprise, a wonderful surprise," Bradbury said during his acceptance speech in 2000. "I sometimes get up at night when I can't sleep and walk down into my library and open one of my books and read a paragraph and say, 'My God, did I write that? Did I write that?', because it's still a surprise." Other honors included an Academy Award nomination for an animated film, "Icarus Montgolfier Wright," and an Emmy for his teleplay of "The Halloween Tree." His fame even extended to the moon, where Apollo astronauts named a crater "Dandelion Crater," in honor of "Dandelion Wine," his beloved coming-of-age novel, and an asteroid was named 9766 Bradbury. Born Ray Douglas Bradbury on Aug. 22, 1920, in Waukegan, Ill., the author once described himself as "that special freak, the man with the child inside who remembers all." He claimed to have total recall of his life, dating even to his final weeks in his mother's womb. His father, Leonard, a power company lineman, was a descendant of Mary Bradbury, who was tried for witchcraft at Salem, Mass. The author's mother, Esther, read him the "Wizard of Oz." His Aunt Neva introduced him to Edgar Allan Poe and gave him a love of autumn, with its pumpkin picking and Halloween costumes. "If I could have chosen my birthday, Halloween would be it," he said over the years. Nightmares that plagued him as a boy also stocked his imagination, as did his youthful delight with the Buck Rogers and Tarzan comic strips, early horror films, Tom Swift adventure books and the works of Jules Verne and H.G. Wells. "The great thing about my life is that everything I've done is a result of what I was when I was 12 or 13," he said in 1982. Bradbury's family moved to Los Angeles in 1934. He became a movie buff and a voracious reader. "I never went to college, so I went to the library," he explained. He tried to write at least 1,000 words a day, and sold his first story in 1941. He submitted work to pulp magazines until he was finally accepted by such upscale publications as The New Yorker. Bradbury's first book, a short story collection called "Dark Carnival," was published in 1947. He was so poor during those years that he didn't have an office or even a telephone. "When the phone rang in the gas station right across the alley from our house, I'd run to answer it," he said. He wrote "Fahrenheit 451" at the UCLA library, on typewriters that rented for 10 cents a half hour. He said he carried a sack full of dimes to the library and completed the book in nine days, at a cost of $9.80. Few writers could match the inventiveness of his plots: A boy outwits a vampire by stuffing him with silver coins; a dinosaur mistakes a fog horn for a mating call (filmed as "The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms"); Ernest Hemingway is flown back to life on a time machine. In "The Illustrated Man," one of his most famous stories, a man's tattoo foretells a horrifying deed - he will murder his wife. A dynamic speaker with a booming, distinctive voice, he could be blunt and gruff. But Bradbury was also a gregarious and friendly man, approachable in public and often generous with his time to readers as well as fellow writers. In 2009, at a lecture celebrating the first anniversary of a small library in Southern California's San Gabriel Valley, Bradbury exhorted his listeners to live their lives as he said he had lived his: "Do what you love and love what you do." "If someone tells you to do something for money, tell them to go to hell," he shouted to raucous applause. Until near the end of his life, Bradbury resisted one of the innovations he helped anticipate: electronic books, likening them to burnt metal and urging readers to stick to the old-fashioned pleasures of ink and paper. But in late 2011, as the rights to "Fahrenheit 451" were up for renewal, he gave in and allowed his most famous novel to come out in digital form. In return, he received a great deal of money and a special promise from Simon & Schuster: The publisher agreed to make the e-book available to libraries, the only Simon & Schuster e-book at the time that library patrons were allowed to download. Bradbury is survived by his four daughters. Marguerite Bradbury, his wife of 56 years, died in 2003. ___ Associated Press writer Robert Jablon contributed to this report.
Ray you were one of the greats and we will all remeber you! Here is a little comedy vid for all you but FYI this NSFW:
F*ck Me, Ray Bradbury - watch more funny videos
Monday, May 28, 2012
++ My Epic Score about to be someone else's! ++
So just wanted to drop a quick line to say my Epic War Hordes Enay auction is about to end... Just wanted to let everyone know becuase this is such a cool once in lifetime find, who ever wins thing it'll be like Christmas (or hannukah) circa '92...
Anyways check it here:
Also just wanted to say thanks on this memroial day to all those who have fought, and died for our country... Without you guys I coud not be sitting in safety of my home writing this write now. I may not always agree with our policy or the direction our country goes, but the soldiers who risk it all for us cannot be thanked enough.
So cheers to all the warriors out there and cheers to all the warriors that are not with us, I raise my Morning Pint of Beer to You All!
Happy Memorial Day Buddys!
buddy times,
Warhammer 40k
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
++ Epic Score! ++
Hey Buddys,
... Yes pun intended, and by that I mean the other week I was cruising the local-ish mall found an interesting discovery. The mall game store moved its warehouse and brought in a bunch of old and rare games that were still in deep dark recesses of the warehouse. Amongst these items I found this awesome score:
Still sealed, new in box Epic box from the first edition. Man this thing is got all the great and cheese-ball art I grew up on. I have not opened the box and actually think I will plop it on ebay because starting another game system is just not a good idea for me at the moment.
Here's te pics of the box contents... I don't play epic but this seems like a boatload of models, and for multiple armies. I always wished I had this game when it came out but I think this thing should probably just go to a good home that can really appreciate that brand new feel so such an awesome old-skool model kit.
So check my ebay page to make this bad boy your own, and either way I was glad I could share a piece of our hobby's heritage!
+ Cheers Buddys +
... Yes pun intended, and by that I mean the other week I was cruising the local-ish mall found an interesting discovery. The mall game store moved its warehouse and brought in a bunch of old and rare games that were still in deep dark recesses of the warehouse. Amongst these items I found this awesome score:
Still sealed, new in box Epic box from the first edition. Man this thing is got all the great and cheese-ball art I grew up on. I have not opened the box and actually think I will plop it on ebay because starting another game system is just not a good idea for me at the moment.
Here's te pics of the box contents... I don't play epic but this seems like a boatload of models, and for multiple armies. I always wished I had this game when it came out but I think this thing should probably just go to a good home that can really appreciate that brand new feel so such an awesome old-skool model kit.
So check my ebay page to make this bad boy your own, and either way I was glad I could share a piece of our hobby's heritage!
+ Cheers Buddys +
Saturday, May 19, 2012
++ Robots & Girlys: Part 2 ++
Hello Every-buddy,
Another installment of Buddy Times, excellent!
Above as you can see I have begun putting together the Soda Pop Mini One Shot and Fritz into sub-assemblies for painting. This model for having so manu components and weird pieces actually went together really easily and cleaned up nice and quick.
I went all out on the bases for these guys because they are really more for looking at then for gaming. I always like big bases but I usually try to keep the debris inside the edge of the base... Not with this chick, her base is B2tWallz!
Here's the little buddy Fritz, I really like this guy and he is tiny.
Here's the overview of the various sub-assemblies:
the girl herself, one piece
the base
Fritz on his base
The Mecha: Legs, Arm, gun+arm, cockpit
Here's the overview of the dry fit. The long left arm is not attached but overall this is the finished product before paint.
Well overall I think this mini is sweet and a nice kit altogether, a bit pricey for its pettiteness but well worth it for uber-geeks who can appriciate awesome mini-art.
until next time, keep it mellow, buddys
Another installment of Buddy Times, excellent!
Above as you can see I have begun putting together the Soda Pop Mini One Shot and Fritz into sub-assemblies for painting. This model for having so manu components and weird pieces actually went together really easily and cleaned up nice and quick.
I went all out on the bases for these guys because they are really more for looking at then for gaming. I always like big bases but I usually try to keep the debris inside the edge of the base... Not with this chick, her base is B2tWallz!
Here's the little buddy Fritz, I really like this guy and he is tiny.
Here's the overview of the various sub-assemblies:
the girl herself, one piece
the base
Fritz on his base
The Mecha: Legs, Arm, gun+arm, cockpit
Here's the overview of the dry fit. The long left arm is not attached but overall this is the finished product before paint.
Well overall I think this mini is sweet and a nice kit altogether, a bit pricey for its pettiteness but well worth it for uber-geeks who can appriciate awesome mini-art.
until next time, keep it mellow, buddys
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
++ Prometheus: crazy face-hugger thingys! ++
Hello Buddys,
Just geeking around and spotted this awesome new Prometheus TV commerical:
Looks like our old friends the Face-huggers are alive and well in thier retro-new loo. The more I see about this the more stoked I am about it.
Looks like I will be forking out the $20 bucks opening night for some IMAX love...
Until next time Buddys, and I'll see you in tha back row!
Just geeking around and spotted this awesome new Prometheus TV commerical:
Looks like our old friends the Face-huggers are alive and well in thier retro-new loo. The more I see about this the more stoked I am about it.
Looks like I will be forking out the $20 bucks opening night for some IMAX love...
Until next time Buddys, and I'll see you in tha back row!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
++ New (ish) Forgeworld Video, and reminder to check my Ebay stuff ++

Just a quickie today, was tooling around the forgeworld site when I noticed they put up a new video on thier visual feed site, check it
...and a little reminder to help a buddy out and shop on my ebay stuff... I posted my Space Hulk unoped copy as well as more and there is going ot be tons coming as well.
I am finially downsizing my colletion to a rasanble amount, and I am really broke at the moment so ya' know... check it:
I am finially downsizing my colletion to a rasanble amount, and I am really broke at the moment so ya' know... check it:
Sunday, May 6, 2012
++ Well, It's E-bay Time! ++

well Buddies,
The long overdue time has come for me to down-size my Warhammer collection... substantially. I will be posting stuff on there all week/month long so check back and I'll remind everyone here as well...
So check here for my ebay listings:
and help a Buddy out, I'm in a bit of a finacial bind right now and everything would help.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
++ Girls and Robots!!! the miniature variety ++
Long time no talk, eh? Well a lot has been on ol' Duder's mind lately (maybe more about that soon), and I thought maybe I'd share some hobby with you all... Actually these are pretty old pictures but I felt like I need to get them out. The subject today is Soda Pop miniatures.
this is one models worth of bits... This is not only a good looking kit but it is a highly complex one as well. There are a lot of little pieces and the completed project on the whole seems like it will be a bit fragile, but the sculpt is amazing.
Here's all the components in laid out in an orderly fashion, with a black reach SM for size comparison reasons. as you can see it is a hybrid metal and resin kit. Actually was surprised it was not all resin, not sure why but the thing dry fits together very nicely so it is not like the old GW plastic and metal hybrids that SUXXed.
One thing I do have to say about this hobby is the ore expensive and specialized the model the gets the worse the presentation becomes, generally. I know Kingdom Death and a few other put packaging as a priority but think about ForgeWorld and other small scale resin companies, it's like getting a baggy full of tiny pieces... see above for Soda Pop's version of packaging, a couple baggies in a cardboard box with a sticker telling you what the models is.
And here is a final size comparison shot for all y'all.
Overall I have to say this kit was abit pricey but it looks great and I think it will be a blast to paint...
Until next time keep the buddy going!
buddy times,
scale models,
Soda Pop,
WIP it
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